Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tra sogno.... e realtà

There is this INSANE show on Italian late night television that has fast become one of Damon and my favorite programs- "Tra Sogno e Realta " which roughly translates to "Between Dreams and Reality."

It is unlike any show we've ever encountered in the states - we usually end up crying with laughter it's so wonderful... the only best way to describe it is a variety show featuring a bad magician, the same corny comedy routine (usually featuring at least a bizarre cross-dressing male), an unfortunate singer who takes her act waay too seriously, interspersed with amateur hour-style strip routines.  The camera work is bad, the edits are hilarious, the music stops for no reason (usually leaving a stripper mid-routine and very awkwardly rushing off stage), and our master of ceremonies is the illustrious Melanie Alyssia Moore , who is best summed up as One Hot Mess.

Seriously, if i could find a youtube clip of it, you'd all become instant fans as well. Put all of this in Italian, so you have NO idea what they're talking about, and it's Italian television at its best.

Anyway, Melanie will wear this ultra revealing tops (she seriously wore just a netting type thing one night), and lounges sleepily in the background against a boy toy on this white leopard print beanbag thing. She also reads a poem that she writes at the end of every show, and wears entirely too much make-up.  We love you Melanie!!

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